CIMLE Homepage

Click Here For CIMLE’s Laboratory Science Review Course


What is CIMLE?

The Consortium of Indiana Medical Laboratory Educators (CIMLE) is a non-profit educational organization comprised of the program directors of Indiana’s Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) and Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) programs.

Our objectives are:

  1. To maintain a regional student/program matching service for prospective medical laboratory students
  2. To coordinate a regional career recruitment and educational outreach effort for prospective medical laboratory students
  3. To promote continuing education programs for medical laboratory educators and medical laboratory students
  4. To provide a mechanism of communication between medical laboratory educators and medical laboratory programs throughout Indiana
  5. To provide a mechanism of communication between medical laboratory programs and academic institutions, community agencies, professional societies, and others
  6. Promote the pre-certification examination for students in medical laboratory programs
  7. To address common issues faced by medical laboratory educators and medical laboratory students


